Monday, January 4, 2010

A Love Letter to my Beloved

My dear Beloved--

First I want to say that I am honored to be considered the bride of Christ. It is a title that I am proud of...a title I wouldn't want to ever change, no matter how I may sometimes act. Because, despite my actions, when the rubber meets the road, I know that I can always depend on You.

You have been my steadfast rock over the years of our "marriage." You have wooed me, carried me, listened to me, cried with me, and led me on this path of life. You have been my light, my vision, my strength, and my joy. You have saved me from the very depth of myself and all the evil that resides within me. Anything good in my life is because of You.

At this stage of my life, I find myself in a relationship with Someone I know but who has become more of an acquaintance rather than being my dear Beloved. What happened? How did I neglect you for so long that I can look at You casual complacency rather than looking looking at You with the intimacy that surrounded our union? It was in the little things, I suppose. Letting myself be distracted by little things. The little things then became regular excuses which then became a habit and so on. Seven years later, I open my eyes and wonder what did this distance happen?

Sure, I saw You throughout the seven years.You were right beside me the entire time. You still showed me things, taught me things, and provided me with blessings and miracles but even all those moments of sweetness didn't awaken me to the fact that there was sometime missing in our relationship: Intimacy and Passion.

I want You to know that I am still committed to our relationship. But at the end of my life, I want everyone who knows me to be certain of one thing; that I love You undividedly.

One of the very first songs that I ever learned at church was:
"Jesus loves me
This I know
For the Bible tells me so..."

Honestly, right now, I'm going through the motions. I leaning on Your words in the Bible and putting my head where it needs to be. I'm trusting that by going to the motions and in "rediscovering" You, that my heart will follow. So in the meanwhile, I give You full permission to continue to woo me. One day eventually I'll sing "Jesus loves me, this I know" and be able to stop there.
Until then, I remain,

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