Friday, January 29, 2010

My Beloved Speaks to Me

Let your heart rejoice in Me;
For in Me, you will be lifted high
I delight in your deliverence

There is no one holy like Me
There is none besides Me
I will be a Rock like no other.

Watch how you speak
Do not keep talking so proudly
And keep your mouth from arrogance

I will raise up for Myself a faithful priest
Who will do according to what is in My heart and mind.
Let your heart rejoice in Me.

**Adapted from I Samuel 2:1-3, 35

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A Song

I am a moment, You are forever
Lord of the Ages, God before time
I am a vapor, You are eternal
Love everlasting, reigning on high

And I sing
Holy, holy, Lord God Almighty
Worthy is the Lamb Who was slain
Highest praises, honor and glory
Be unto Your name, be unto Your name

I am the broken, You are the healer
Jesus, Redeemer, mighty to save
You are the love song I'll sing forever
Bowing before You, blessing Your name

**Lyrics by Lynn DeShazo and Gary Sadler
**Original lyrics use "we" instead of "I."

Monday, January 25, 2010

A Love Letter to my Beloved

Dear Beloved--

There are times that I am frustrated with You. Frustrated with Your timing and Your plans. Thank You for enduring with me during those times. I have learned (and will re-learn each time I get frustrated) that Your ways are better than mine. I may not see the entire picture that is being painted but You do. Everything You have done in my life thus far has been good...better than I could expect or imagine. Everytime You show me something new, that element fits like a glove.

I thank You for making me the way I am. You have given me a compassionate and sensitive heart. You have made me to be a listener, a feeler, a thinker, and through these, You have made me into a leader. I'm not like Moses or Paul and that's okay. Instead, I'm who You want me to be. I may never touch hundreds of people like Moses or Paul but You will use me to impact those that You desire and that will be just fine. All I want is to do Your will.

Here am I, sweet Jesus. Use me!
I remain,

Friday, January 22, 2010

My Beloved Speaks to Me

"If you go where I go, if you stay where I stay
you will be my people and I will be your God.
I will let nothing, not even death can separate you from Me.

I will cover you with My cloak, providing protection and a place of refuge. For you are Mine and I am your Redeemer.
I have not left you in your despair and poverty.
I will renew your life and sustain you even to the end of your days.
For you are loved."

**Adapted from Ruth 1:16-17, 3:9, 4:14-15

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A Song

In the morning when I rise, give me Jesus

Give me Jesus
Give me Jesus

You can have all this world, but give me Jesus

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A Love Letter to my Beloved

Dear Beloved--

"As morning dawns and evening fades, You inspire songs of praise."

This morning on my way to work, I was blessed by the beautiful sunrise You created, which lit up the mountains. How much joy does painting a sunrise give You? When I am with You in heaven, can I watch You work? That would give me joy. Do You speak the sunrise into existence? Do You paint with a movement of Your finger?

I am reminded that just as I am fearfully and wonderfully made, so is each day. Each day has been divinely inspired...divinely created for Your glory. This simple statement should impact how I look at the world, so to speak.

Beloved, You are Master Designer...the Master Inventor. All around me I can see the work of Your hands and it amazes and humbles me. And even though I don't always understand the design that You are weaving into my life, I will trust in You. I will trust that You can see the sunrise, even when I can't.

Thank you for showing Yourself to me this morning.

I remain,

Saturday, January 16, 2010

My Beloved Speaks to Me

I, your Beloved, have been fighting for you.
I will give you rest.
Just be very firm to keep and do all that I have said.
Do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left.
Only cling to Me as you have done to this day.
Love Me and walk in My ways
hold fast to Me and serve Me with all of your heart and with all your soul.
Not one of the good promises that I have made will fail
all will come to pass

**Adapted from Joshua 21:44, 45, 22:5, 23:3, 6, 8,

Monday, January 11, 2010

A Love Letter to my Beloved

Dear Beloved--

Another week past and yet I'm a different person than I was a week ago. Not that there has been significant or brilliant change. It's more like baby steps.
But as long as they are steps towards You And not away from You, I'm content.

You, my God, are good beyond comparison.
You meet me where I'm at and willingly take me by the hand.

This week I saw You in the morning, with the dawning of a new day.
I saw You in the evening, as you sustained me for all I needed to do.
I saw You through laughter and fellowship with friends.
I saw You through others worshipping You.

These baby steps may not be huge or noteworthy in many people's eyes
But I see You more clearly today than I did seven days ago. And I hear You more clearly having spent consistent time in Your presense; Tuning my ears to hear Your still small voice.
And hearing You, causes my heart to sing.

I remain,

Friday, January 8, 2010

My Beloved Speaks to Me

"I will again delight in you.
I have wounded you and I will heal you.
I did this so that you might know that I am the LORD your God.
However I have never left you nor forsaken you.
And I never will.

If you continue to love Me and walk in My ways, then you will continue to see how I desire to bless you.
I will be your portion.
I will be your inheritance.
I will bless the path that is before you."

**Adapted from Deuteronomy 30:9, 32:29, 29:6, 31:6, 32:9, 30:16

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

One Small Change

I have noticed one small change already
in a less than a week's time

When you read the Bible
expecting to hear
you are more likely to hear
what the Lord is saying

Then because I hear the Lord
I stop reading only because I should
I read because I want to

And consequently
when I didn't have the time to read
I have found my heart yearning

Yearning to hear the voice of the Bridegroom

Monday, January 4, 2010

A Love Letter to my Beloved

My dear Beloved--

First I want to say that I am honored to be considered the bride of Christ. It is a title that I am proud of...a title I wouldn't want to ever change, no matter how I may sometimes act. Because, despite my actions, when the rubber meets the road, I know that I can always depend on You.

You have been my steadfast rock over the years of our "marriage." You have wooed me, carried me, listened to me, cried with me, and led me on this path of life. You have been my light, my vision, my strength, and my joy. You have saved me from the very depth of myself and all the evil that resides within me. Anything good in my life is because of You.

At this stage of my life, I find myself in a relationship with Someone I know but who has become more of an acquaintance rather than being my dear Beloved. What happened? How did I neglect you for so long that I can look at You casual complacency rather than looking looking at You with the intimacy that surrounded our union? It was in the little things, I suppose. Letting myself be distracted by little things. The little things then became regular excuses which then became a habit and so on. Seven years later, I open my eyes and wonder what did this distance happen?

Sure, I saw You throughout the seven years.You were right beside me the entire time. You still showed me things, taught me things, and provided me with blessings and miracles but even all those moments of sweetness didn't awaken me to the fact that there was sometime missing in our relationship: Intimacy and Passion.

I want You to know that I am still committed to our relationship. But at the end of my life, I want everyone who knows me to be certain of one thing; that I love You undividedly.

One of the very first songs that I ever learned at church was:
"Jesus loves me
This I know
For the Bible tells me so..."

Honestly, right now, I'm going through the motions. I leaning on Your words in the Bible and putting my head where it needs to be. I'm trusting that by going to the motions and in "rediscovering" You, that my heart will follow. So in the meanwhile, I give You full permission to continue to woo me. One day eventually I'll sing "Jesus loves me, this I know" and be able to stop there.
Until then, I remain,

Saturday, January 2, 2010

My Beloved Speaks To Me

"I have blessed you in all that you have done; I have known your wanderings through this great wilderness. These thirty years I have been with you; you have not lacked a thing.

Only take care! Keep close watch over yourself. Don't forget anything of what you've seen. Don't let your heart wander off. Stay vigilant as long as you live.

If you seek Me, you will find Me, if you search for Me with all your heart and all your soul. I wll not fail you nor hurt you nor forget our covenant."

**Adapted from Deuteronomy 2:7, 4:9, 29, 31

Friday, January 1, 2010


I have been a Christian for 25 years. At the moment, that number brings grief only because in examining my relationship with God, I find myself lacking.

In the Bible, we are considered the bride of Christ and He is our bridegroom. "As a bridegroom rejoices over his bride, so will your God rejoice over you" (Isaiah 62:5). In light of that analogy, I would have to say that my marriage to God is stagnant. We've been married 25 years...I don't find Him as exciting as I used to. Sure, He's important to me and I think of Him here and there. But in general, it's closer to two acquaintences living together.

We gone through ups and wait!...I've gone through ups and downs in our relationship but He has been ever faithful to me and our vows. I don't deserve Him but am so thankful He is mine. All I know, is that I don't want to spend the next 25 years with my Groom and still feeling complacent.

He waits patiently, each day, just to hear my voice and to share Himself with me. I only need to be open and respond to Him. So the goal of this journey is just that. To open myself to His presense, to spend more time talking and listening to Him, and allowing Him to flood my heart with love and joy...the kind of love and joy a blushing bride feels.